1/8 Tachikoma (from Ghost in the Shell) comes to you

A lovely and A.I. installed 4-wheel octopus-like walker, “Tachikoma” will be available in Japan and you can pre-order yours at its developer’s website here at a price of JPY 157,400 (about $1,400). It will be shipped in June 2017.

This Tachikoma can recognize what you talk, reply with the same voice as appeared in the animation “Ghost in the Shell” and then synchronize via cloud with other Tachikomas.

See this video: You can run it by a Smartphone application. It tells your schedule and weather forecasts, search in the Internet when you ask, and communicate with you. Moreover, when you teach your Tachikoma about an apple, “it is red and sweet,” then all Tachikomas automatically synchronize via cloud. So other Tachikomas can tell to their owners “an apple is red and sweet” when they see an apple.

Also, 1/2 Tachikoma will serve you at a store in Shibuya to bring you what you ordered (source:http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/1703/24/news097.html) from April 6th.

This is a part of “攻殻機動隊 REALIZE PROJECT.”

It is way too expensive but makes us feel closer to the future of 2029.


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